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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Stop the Global Banking Cartel

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Are you fed up with the unchecked fraud, greed and seemingly-unlimited power of the major banks?

You are not alone! Citizens from across the globe are infuriated by the corrupt banking system.

On December 7, 2010 the PEOPLE take back their power!
NOW is the time for all sovereign people to strip the power from the BANKS.
International Citizens' Day of Action to Move Money from the BIG Bank$.

  • In spite of the bailouts, BIG bank CEOs continue to rake in massive bonuses and salaries.

There is no need to protest in the streets or take time off from work to make a difference. All you need to do is go to your local bank branch on December 7 and politely say to the teller: "I'd like to close my account today." That's it! 
It's simple, painless, and powerful. In this way, the People can send a very powerful yet peaceful message to the Elites that WE are in charge.

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Although most of the Economic Elite live and operate inside the US, they are not concerned for our future. To them, the entire world is theirs and they work intimately with other elites throughout the world against the interests of the US public. Ever since the days of Henry Ford, the Economic Elite have needed a thriving US middle class to increase growth and profits, but now, in the global economy, they view the US middle class as obsolete. They increasingly look globally for profits and they would rather pay cheap labor in countries like China and India. On top of the millions of jobs they have already shipped overseas to increase profits at our expense, they are planning to ship an additional 25% of current US jobs overseas as well.

They now see us as the biggest obstacle to their continued consolidation of wealth and resources. This is why they have stepped up their attack on us.

If you want further proof of this, all one needs to do is study the Wall Street bailout. The entire bailout is strategically designed to eliminate the US middle class.

It is similar to what the Economic Elite have done through the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in many other countries throughout the world. It is clearly a case of economic imperialism.

The end result is the theft of working class wealth, the privatization of public functions and resources, rising unemployment, the elimination of the middle class and increasing taxation and debt that turns the overwhelming majority of the nation into a peasant class.

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The question is: How far will we let this go before we stand up?
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