There are many things you can do to stay happy within a relationship but doing so is often times very difficult. They need effort and time to do the things that will keep your relationship intact but it is all worth it. Here are some ways to keep your relationship last longer while still being happy.
Never be afraid to be yourself. By being yourself, you are actually showing confidence and women are actually attracted to men who have confidence. Ever wonder why some of the ugliest men have the prettiest women around them? This is because most of them are not afraid to be themselves, which is why women get around them.
There are some things that money cannot buy and this is time. Give time to your partner and do little things that tugs the heart like giving her flowers on her ordinary day at work or instead, visit her and personally hand over the flowers yourself.
Try your hardest not to look at other women. It is already in men's genes that they will look at women they find very attractive even if they are truly in love with you. This is one of the reasons why a lot of women who do not know this fact will immediately get jealous and break up.
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Humor can get you anywhere when it comes to dealing with women. Women are a lot more close to people who make them laugh so crack a joke and get her laughing during your dinner and you can expect a second date.
Do not forget to take good care of yourself too. Women are easily turned off by men who are not able to take good care of themselves. How would you possibly handle such a relationship if you cannot even handle your own hygiene? Always take time to brush your teeth and take a bath.
Try to get along with her friends and family. The best way to win a woman's heart is by getting along very well with her set of friends and her own family. Make an effort to get her family to a dinner and get to know them well.
Try new things. When you first began your relationship, everything was new and exciting and by keeping this trend, you are extending the life of your relationship and make things more exciting.
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