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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

National Unfriend Day

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Jimmy Kimmel
Happy National Unfriend Day, November 17th! Don't you see the holiday on your calendar? Jimmy Kimmel created this dubious holiday to restore integrity to the word “friend” and encourage people to “cut out some of the friend fat in your life.”

When coming up with the idea for National Unfriend Day, Jimmy Kimmel was thinking of people who have thousands of friends on Facebook.

NUD, guided by its declaration of indefriendence, reminds us that “all men are not created equal. Some men are very annoying.” Kimmel has declared today a day for "cutting the fat" on your social networking connections.

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“Remember five years ago when no one was on Facebook, and you didn’t know what the guy you took high school biology with was having for lunch? Remember how that was fine? Let’s go back to that,” Kimmel joked.

He said that there is no way that someone can have that many friends that they actually associate with. What better way to lose all of the annoying "friends" who do nothing but complicate your life.

Jimmy Kimmel’s idea definitely isn’t a bad one, but as far as teenagers go, could National Unfriend Day lead to more cyber-bullying among teens?

How will impressionable teenagers feel on National Unfriend Day when someone they thought was their best buddy cuts them out of their life?
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