Global Warming is a major problem today that needs all of our attention. We already feel its effect for the last several months, and studies show that its effect is getting worst. If we will not take action now, maybe, by the time that we start to address this problem, it might be too late for us.
It is a fact that almost all people today are in a hurry that they ride cars or any transportation vehicle, even if the place where they are going is just near. Others are just becoming too lazy to walk a few kilometers.
We are all aware of the effects of the smokes being emitted by vehicles, it adds to our global warming problems. Maybe this is just a simple task but it would be something that everyone should look into. Aside from helping in our global warming problems, walking also gives us a lot of benefits like being a form of exercise and saving fuels (if you own a car).
Moreover, purchasing a book, swimsuit or even a box of light bulbs with a few clicks online saves time and often money. But for consumers interested in reducing their carbon footprint, this convenience option is a mixed environmental bag that is compared to taking public transit to a shopping center or bunching errands into a single car trip.
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As with many eco-conscious decisions, there are a host of variables, like your driving patterns and where you live, says Kyo Suh, Ph.D. and research fellow at the University of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment. Suh researches the carbon footprint of package delivery.
“Basically, the conclusion is that online shopping is better than personal shopping trips, but it can be changed by so many factors,” Suh said.
According to the U.S. Postal Service, an organization with an interest in promoting online shopping, replacing two trips to the mall each year with online shopping could reduce the amount Americans drive by 3.3 billion miles, and it can keep 3 billion pounds of carbon emissions out of the air.
A number of studies, including one in 2009 out of Carnegie Mellon University’s Green Design Institute and a United Kingdom-based study from early 2010 also suggest online shopping has the edge on eco-shopping.
How about doing some simple actions now, actions that will showcase your love for mother Earth.
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