Simply put - the Internet changed everything. Consider for a moment that Google is still only a "teenager"; that 50 years ago the computer you are working on right now, would have been the size of a building; that in 20 years time - it will fit on the top of a pin.
The Internet has revolutionized many industries; take for example the news media. News stories now break and spread like wildfire online, reaching all corners of the globe in mere minutes. The essence of this lies in the fact that, the Internet is quite fluid and instant by its very nature.
We have seen a major decline in traditional media.... with people now watching TV episodes online, listening to live radio online, reading newspapers & magazines online etc.
In the print world - print circulation is at its lowest levels ever, while online readership is growing dramatically. There has been a huge shift, whereby bloggers are now more influential, and have more relevance, than perhaps newspaper and magazine editors.
The thing is, high-tech is fantastic, but you have heard the cliché - "don't throw out the baby with the bath water". This simply means of course, that just because something new and "cool" is invented, doesn't always mean we have to toss out a perfectly good "old".
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Readership has obviously declined for the newsprint world, yet, there are those who desperately want to hang onto that paper that arrives every morning. They read it while eating breakfast and drinking their morning coffee, or bluntly, is even used as the bathroom companion for some.
As a former newspaper editor and writer, I cannot even begin to justify the thinking that the newspaper industry has to suffer due to new technology. Kids can no longer cut out the articles for a school project from the newspaper.
Sure, they could print out the article, but the fact that the newspaper would not be scotched taped to the page, just takes something away from it.
There IS a place for both...long live the newspaper industry and may the high-tech of tomorrow never forget the classics of yesterday or today.
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